Remember Us As We Remember You: Letters From Stalin's Gulag (1930-38)Table of Contents





Introduction: From a Golden Age to the Gulag

  1. Transport
  2. Tranquility to Terror
  3. Box Cars and Barracks
  4. A Campbell's Soup Box
  5. Through the Red Gate
  6. A Tenuous Lifeline

Chapter One: "What Will Become of Us?" (1929–32)

  1. Early Letters (1929–30)
  2. Eviction
  3. Exile and Prison (1930–32)
  4. Always Winter, Never Christmas
  5. "Writing through the Flowers"
  6. Isolation and Confusion

Chapter Two: "Remember Us as We Remember You" (1932–33)

  1. "We Yearn for Release from Here"
  2. "When is it Sunday?"
  3. "Jakob Who Hungers, Forgive Me"
  4. "No Night is so Dark that Day does not Come"

Chapter Three: "The World is Silent" (1933–34)

  1. "Will We Ever be Free?"
  2. "We Can Live More Easily Now"

Chapter Four: "Do Not Forget Us" (1934–37)

  1. Yearning for Liberty
  2. "Our Own Fresh Potatoes"

Chapter Five: Silence and Survival (1989–93)

  1. "Great Waves of Sorrow": Lena's Memories
  2. Meeting Lena
  3. "So Life Went On": Mariechen's Memories

Epilogue: What Then Must We Do?


  1. Number of Deaths in the Gulag
  2. Percentage of Letters in the Bargen Corpus by Year
  3. Maps


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